Please contact Angie Slade for wedding information or to begin the process of scheduling a wedding.
The Christian Wedding
In the United Methodist tradition we believe that marriage is a sacred covenant, instituted by God, confirmed by the church community. Belmont UMC views the marriage ceremony as a worship service within the same liturgical context as the weekly worship services held at Belmont UMC. Therefore, wedding ceremonies performed by Belmont UMC pastoral staff are celebrated in a manner consistent with Belmont UMC’s liturgy and practice. Knowing that we are a diverse congregation, the pastoral staff welcomes discussion of the inclusion of other faiths and traditions. Belmont UMC weddings are inclusive in all respects and consistent with the congregational Welcoming Statement*, with the understanding that they will typically involve at least one partner with a significant tie to the Belmont UMC community. The UMC requires a series of meetings with the couple prior to the wedding. These meetings are a source of spiritual, personal, and emotional preparation for Christian marriage, and serve as planning sessions for the wedding ceremony.
With these understandings, Belmont UMC will be honored to participate with you in planning and celebrating your wedding. Belmont UMC weddings that are conducted on church property must be scheduled with Belmont UMC’s Facility Use Coordinator and must follow all procedures established by the Worship Ministry Team for use of the facilities. If the wedding involves the use of the facilities for either a service or a reception, this may involve specific limitations on the style of worship; use of church facilities and instruments; photography, videography, and social media; timing of the service; and fees for the use of the facilities, all of which may change from time to time.
Please contact Angie Slade to inquire about wedding planning.
This wedding policy is set forth by the Administrative Board of Belmont United Methodist Church with the support of the pastoral staff, Worship Ministry Team, and Board of Trustees of Belmont United Methodist Church. Questions not addressed in this policy will be included in the wedding procedures established by the Worship Ministry Team or discussed and decided upon by the Worship Ministry Team.
For more information about weddings at Belmont UMC, download our Wedding procedures document.
Belmont UMC’s Welcoming Statement:
We believe every person is of sacred worth and created in God’s image. We commit to Jesus’ example of inclusive love, care, and intentional hospitality with persons of every race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, faith story, physical or mental ability, economic status, or political perspective. We respect our diversity of opinion and expressions of faith. Therefore, as God loves us, so let us love and serve in the name of Christ.