Click below for digital versions of current and past issues. Current issue is available after 7:00am on Sunday morning.
September 22
September 15
September 8
September 1
For other past issues or pdf versions of the newsletter, contact Angie Slade.
Want to receive the mobile-friendly version of our newsletter in your inbox each Sunday? Click here.
Have an announcement, article, photo, or calendar item for the Sunday newsletter? Send it to Angie Slade no later than 4:00pm on Wednesdays. The congregation loves seeing photos of and articles about group activities, service projects, outings, etc., so if your Sunday school class, ministry team, or small group has something to share, please send it to Angie. When submitting items for the newsletter, please follow these guidelines:
– Articles/announcements must be 150 words or less, in paragraph form (no tables, columns, or bullet points).
– Articles/announcements must include and title/headline.
– Photos must be high-resolution and include a brief caption.
– If you want a byline or photo credit, please indicate so.