Have you ever wondered how the beautiful flowers appear on our altar every Sunday? Belmont UMC has a long tradition of having flowers arranged by the dedicated members of the Altar Guild. This ministry adds much to set the stage for a meaningful worship experience. Please consider taking part in worship preparation by sponsoring the flowers.

The current cost for both arrangements is $80, however, due to the rising cost of flowers and floral supplies, the Altar Guild has found it necessary to raise the cost of memorial altar flowers to $100, effective August 1.

You can designate the flowers as a memorial to a loved one or as an honorarium for someone special in your life. We currently have openings for several summer Sundays. To choose your Sunday, contact Susan Bradford (615-708-6504).

December 26

December 19 – given in honor of Belmont UMC staff

December 12 – given in honor of children’s choirs leaders by Gayle Sullivan

December 5 – given in memory and honor of persons by multiple donors

Click here to see additional altar flowers from 2021.