As Wednesday Night at Belmont (WNAB) resumes and in partnership with The Nashville Food Project, we're excited to share community meals on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00pm in the Community Center. This soup and salad dinner is free to all (donations are welcome) and no reservations necessary.

Join our great team of volunteers! Click here to sign up to serve and click here to be champion dishwashing Dish Dog.

We strive to ensure there's always enough food, and on some weeks, there might even be extra soup. Feel free to bring a container if you'd like to take home a delicious lunch for the next day!

Plan to stay for the programs at 6:00pm in room 124. Upcoming programs:

January 15 - UMC Response to Climate Change with Mike DuBose
January 22 - It’s What You Do Next with Megan Barry
January 29 - Civil Discourse - What It Is and Can We Do It Anymore with  Kristine LaLonde