Amy Cooper, Director of Children’s Music

Joined Belmont UMC staff in 2006

Academic background

Belmont University, B.S. in Elementary Education with a music minor

Family life

  • Married Dr. Bill Cooper in 1991
  • Two grown children, William and Elizabeth Anne

Interests and activities

Singing, cooking, quilting, sewing, gardening, and dining with friends

Places called home besides Nashville

  • Memphis, TN
  • Cincinnati, OH

Reason for chosen career

“I love music and children, and I believe that singing is an excellent way of learning and retaining our theology.”

Volunteer activities

“I have volunteered with the following organizations over the years, but nowadays volunteer mostly with Belmont.”

  • Friends of Children’s Hospital board, 15 years, president and other chair positions
  • University School of Nashville Association (Alliance for Families, Faculty and Friends), one year president
  • Middle Tennessee Choristers Guild, president