The O.N.E./Barnes Scholarship program that Belmont UMC has supported for more than 20 years continues its work to assist Edgehill residents seeking post high school job training and degrees. This year, approximately $2600 in gifts was donated to the fund, even without a formal Communion offering emphasis. One of our students graduated from UT Chattanooga and plans to become a physician’s assistant. Another will graduate from Tennessee State University in November with a degree in marketing. A third student recently passed board exams to become an registered nurse. Currently, twelve students have scholarships and the stipend for the academic year is $2400. Belmonters also continue to serve as partner/mentors to scholarship recipients. Thank you for your support!

Belmont UMC’s new representative on the scholarship committee is Raholanda White, who is also a professor at Middle Tennessee State University. Thank you for serving, Raholanda!