On Sunday mornings, the Golden Triangle Fellowship (GTF) holds a Karenic language service at 10:30am in the chapel at Belmont UMC. The service translated into Karen and Thai, is often attended by 150+ persons. Rev. Sandy Sakarepanee and other Belmont UMC pastors provide leadership for this community and its ministries.
Youth Sunday School: The GTF youth meet on the third floor in the Sunday School wing at Belmont from 9:15-10:15 Sunday mornings. A class is led by Beverly Lovell and it is available for youth (6th-12th grade).
Children’s Sunday School: Children’s Sunday School classes are fully integrated and meet on the second floor of the Sunday School wing at Belmont, 9:15-10:15 am. Children’s classes are available for age 3- grade 5.
Children/Youth Choir: A children and youth choir of approximately 20 people gather weekly at a member’s home for rehearsal with the leadership of Tha Thay. The youth choir offers special music each Sunday during 10:30 worship.
United Methodist Women: The GTF UMW meets every third Saturday of the month at the home of one of the members. Rev. Sandy leads the group. The GTF UMW do meet with additional Belmont women’s circles for fellowship events.
Youth/Young Adults Meeting: Youth and young adults (high school students, college and up) meet every Saturday from 6pm to 9pm at a member’s home. About 20 young people attend to learn the Bible, pray together, have fellowship, and practice the offertory song of Sunday worship.
Regular events, besides worship, in-season weekly soccer for children, joint service with the Belmont congregation, GTF spring picnic, youth/young adults winter retreat, and an annual Christmas party for families in the Community Center.
For more information about this community and anyone who wants to join us in the ministry, contact Sandy Sakarapanee.