Check this webpage often for justice and service activity opportunities available at and beyond Belmont UMC.

A New Song worship

Please join us on the 4th Sundays for A New Song gathering from 5-6:30pm at Seay-Hubbard UMC (1116 1st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210)!

On behalf of a group who are laboring to be faithful to the wholistic teachings of Jesus and who are seeking racial reconciliation in Nashville, you are invited to a sacred worship, A New Song.

A New Song is a coming together in word and song for people to worship God and reach across seemingly intractable boundaries and aisles that have prevented us from coming together in meaningful ways. Our worship is structured in such a way that we can hear the voices of those who have been historically marginalized. A New Song is a place for the Holy Spirit to move freely among the people of Nashville to affirm the humanity of all persons.

A New Song will be held each 4th Sunday from 5-6:30 p.m. at Seay-Hubbard UMC (1116 1st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37210), and ongoing the 4th Sunday of each month. Light refreshments will be served after worship.


On February 9, Belmonters Pam Hawkins and Judy Isenhour were present at the Tennessee General Assembly to protest a bill that would cause harm to LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans of all ages. Fortunately, HB578 (the House of Representatives bill) did not get presented for a vote but it will be coming back along with others like it. Pam and Judy said that taking a little time to stand and speak up for many who are not treated equally is so important and worth it. Make plans to join them next time!


In response the article below, Emma Anne Stephens, Tate Keuler, and Natalia Del Pino authored an Antisemitism violates United Methodist Doctrine letter, which will be published in the Tennessean in Mid-February.

Jewish Couple Sues after United Methodist Agency Receiving Taxpayer Funding Refuses to Help Them Adopt.