Thanks to your generous donations to the Trust Fund, our church is now equipped with 4 access control keypads that will work with a code. As we begin implementing this system, we have decided to try supplying church members, WDS families, and our regular guests with a code that will allow them to access the main building or Community Center during office hours and also when after hour programs are scheduled.  If you did not receive the PIN number and instructions via email, please contact Mark Hagewood or Angie Slade .

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday your code will work from 7:30am-7:30pm.

On Wednesdays, your code will work from 7:30 am-8:30pm.

On Sunday mornings, doors will be unlocked for worship (note: the 20th Avenue entrance door will be relocked at 11:00am) and your code will work from noon until 7:30pm.

Our security team feels this approach provides much greater security than our past practice of simply leaving our doors unlocked, while still upholding our desire to be open and understanding that our church belongs to all of us.

Our WDS families will be issued a code that accesses the door off the 20th Avenue cul-de-sac. Our active church members and regular guests will receive a code that allows access to the Iris Room entrance door, the Community Center, and the Acklen Avenue alley entrance between the chapel and sanctuary (across from Village Cleaners). Codes can be updated by the office, so stay connected for updates.

We encourage classes and groups to watch over each other by asking some people to arrive early and remain in the Iris Room entry area for a while to ensure every guest makes it in and newcomers feel welcomed. On Sunday mornings, our door policy will remain largely the same.

We know that this policy is an adjustment, but we hope it provides much greater access to the building if you need to arrange altar flowers, meet a pastor, drop off a donation, pick up a book, visit the columbarium, or just drop into the sanctuary for a prayer. We hope this policy adds greater security while increasing access for our members and guests!