For information about adult Sunday school, go to Sunday school for children will resume August 18. For information about children's Sunday school, go to Sunday school for youth will resume in August. For information about youth Sunday school, go to
In the foyer. Join us in the foyer after the 10:30am worship service on Sunday mornings for Fellowship in the Foyer! There will be coffee and cookies. It's the perfect chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Hope to see you there!
In Parker Hall with Kara Lassen Oliver. Learn more at
In the Community Center. The Nashville Food Project will provide soup and salad each week. All are welcome, and we mean all – please invite your neighbors, friends, co-workers. Dinner is FREE, but donations will be accepted. NO RESERVATIONS necessary.
Room 124. Advent is a season of wonder and waiting, and we invite you to journey with us using Starry Nights as your guide. Click here to download the Starry Nights Advent guide. On Wednesdays, December 4, 11, and 18, we'll gather at 6:00pm in room 124 and via Zoom to discuss the devotionals. Contact Heather Harriss for more information ...
2nd floor prayer room and via Zoom. Go to to learn more.