In the chapel.
In the chapel.
For information about adult Sunday school, go to belmontumc.org/connect/adult. For information about children's Sunday school, go to belmontumc.org/connect/children. For information about youth Sunday school, go to belmontumc.org/connect/youth.
In the Iris Room. Go to belmontumc.org/coffee-hour to learn more.
In the sanctuary.
In the chapel. Karen language service.
In the Community Center.
In Parker Hall with Kara Lassen Oliver. Learn more at belmontumc.org/breathe-pray-move.
In the Community Center. The Nashville Food Project will provide soup and salad each week. All are welcome, and we mean all – please invite your neighbors, friends, co-workers. Dinner is FREE, but donations will be accepted. NO RESERVATIONS necessary.
Various rooms on the Faith Finders Hall.
Third floor and people's houses. Contact Emma Bushong for more information.